Online tools

Budget price calculator
Our budget price calculator has been designed specifically to provide you with an estimated cost for manufacturing, delivering, and installing our range of precast concrete flooring products. Follow the step-by-step instructions using your project requirements and contact us directly with your estimate reference when you’re ready to proceed with an order.

Floorspan calculator
The calculators available are for Hollowcore and Beam & Block products and provide floor span guidance on finishes, partitions, and live loads. As with our load span tables, these calculators should only be used as a general guide only. For precise information regarding your project, contact our dedicated sales and estimating team directly.

Load span tables
The load span tables listed here are for Hollowcore and Beam & Block products. They should be used as a guide only. For more precise information about the needs of your project, contact us directly. Our dedicated sales will promptly answer any queries you have and estimating team.

Data sheets, installation guides, Hollowcore data, wiring layouts.
Find technical datasheets for our beam and block systems, as well as our WarmFloor Pro datasheet and installation guide. We also have product data sheets and information on our Hollowcore products available; wiring layouts and general technical information for precast units, fire resistance of Milbank precast units, demolition of precast concrete units, structural concrete toppings and concrete surfaces for painting.

Contact Milbank today
We are experts in precast concrete product design, manufacture, delivery and installation.
Get in touch to find out how we can help you.